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Slavica Kandic
Last name Kandic
First name Slavica
Kennel Name None
Email address None
Website None
Owner Of
Breeder Of MPK 51971 CC LA-MADRINA 2022/02/05 Fulvo blue mask/Fulvo maschera grigio
MPK 51968 CC LEGOLAS 2022/02/05 Grey brindle/Grigio tigrato
MPK 51966 CC LUCHO 2022/02/05 Fulvo blue mask/Fulvo maschera grigio
MPK 51819 CC PARTYBREAKER 2021/07/20 Grey brindle/Grigio tigrato
MPK 51863 CC VERONIKA 2021/03/05 Black brindle/Nero tigrato
Added by Viviana